Today is Halloween, at this nursery this brave vampire greets you. Normally vampires sleep during the day.
Labels: halloween, phoenix, vampire
| posted by Jose, 12:39 AM
As you may know, I'm not too knowledgeable on plants an trees, but the other day while I was walking on a photo hunt I saw this and couldn't pass it up.
Labels: Arizona, avondale, plants
| posted by Jose, 7:09 AM
I hardly ever walk to the this side of the street but the other day I was in the mood so I took a walk and this image shows the back of my house viewed from the street in front of the lake.
Labels: Arizona, avondale, my neighborhood
| posted by Jose, 11:31 AM
So, we went to where the Palm Springs Tram is and I as usual went trigger happy. I took quite a few images of the area. This is a patio right outside the tram station. From those telescopes you can see how high the mountain is. By the time the tram is almost at the top all you can see is a little dot.
Labels: mountain, palm springs, scenery, tram
| posted by Jose, 1:23 AM
Right outside my front door and into the avenue there is a series of about eight trees. The funny thing is that the trunks bend in opposite ways. I stood righ in front the first one. Can you tell that there is more than one?
Labels: Arizona, avondale, trees
| posted by Jose, 3:09 PM
We stop at the Spotlight 29 Casino in Coachella, California. We opted for the buffet for lunch. This is part of the view from where I was seating.
Labels: california, coachella, spotlight 29
| posted by Jose, 1:26 AM
Well ChrisJ, the beauaty of the digital camera age is that you can take so many pictures with no waste so I did take a shot of the whole truck. I did capture more than one image as I thought that the truck was very interesting. In the front it says it is a US Mail Truck, I love the American flag flying high next to the front window. I really liked the color of the truck, and the rust just added so much character to it. I think it was a great find, and it is parked only about five minutes away from my work but in an area that I never go to.
Labels: green, old truck, pumkins, us mail
| posted by Jose, 12:25 PM
I was coming back from running an errand when I spotted this truck and I just had to stop to capture some images. This is pretty awesome and the pumpkins around it give the whimsical look. I am sure you all are starting to see Holloween all over the place.
Labels: holloween, old truck, pumpkins
| posted by Jose, 11:54 PM
I captured this images last week. The first one the sun was almost gone but there was still enough light for the picture. The second one a truck making a delivery at work had a cool mural painted all over the box and I thought it would make a cool background for my car.
Labels: Ford, mural, Mustang GT
| posted by Jose, 8:41 PM
Well, not only was the fire image appropiate after posting the fire engine but now let me present you to the fire fighter that will put out the fire. Well, maybe not, but for now he is just happy pretending to be a fire fighter.
Labels: fire, fire fighter, fire house
| posted by Jose, 7:08 AM
I capture this image at the very precise moment when the flames where at their biggest. Worry not, this is just the chef at the Japanese restaurant cooking for us. I'm looking at the image and I can almost feel the heat.
Labels: flames, food, ichi ban, japanese
| posted by Jose, 7:18 AM
This is The Celebrity Theater in Phoenix, Arizona. The building has a round shape and it looks like it's too low. That is because it goes into the ground so the entrance level is actually the second floor.
Labels: celebrity theater, concerts, phoenix
| posted by Jose, 8:43 PM
This is a fantastic place to go eat Japanese food. The one in my neighborhood gets 5 stars from me. A little expensive for dinner, but if you make it for lunch it's very affordable. Now if anybody out there want to let them know I gave them kudos maybe they'll give me a discount the next time I vitit the restaurant. lol
Labels: ichi ban, japanese, restaurant, tolleson
| posted by Jose, 12:02 AM
I scored some last minute free tickets to go see country music legend and superstar Randy Travis. Definitely a favorite of mine, there was no way I was going to waste such an opportunity. The concert was great.
Labels: celebrity theater, downtown phoenix, randy travis
| posted by Jose, 9:35 AM
I hate grafitti too, what's cool about this is that in Venice Beach they can do this legally as these young artists pay for a permit to display their talent. They of course can only paint a portion of the wall or area predestined for them. I imagine at the end of the day it all gets erased and the next day the process is reapeated.
Labels: california, grafitti, tegging, venice
| posted by Jose, 11:56 PM
I'll take either or. The BMW on top is just too awesome but the Comet... wait, it's not a Comet let me see, it says it's a Futura. A Falcon Futura, yeah that's the ticket. As I said, I'll take either of them, just unload them in my driveway.
Labels: convertible, Ford, futura falcon
| posted by Jose, 7:24 AM