Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Another window display in Cuernavaca. There, you find stores in the most unlikely places.

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| posted by Jose, 8:54 PM


Just met you at Wanda's. Love the color on that wall. So earthy. The display seems so unlikely. Interesting.
Blogger Angie, at 8:46 AM  
angie - Nice to meet you, any Friends of Wanda are friends of mine. Hope you come back to visit often.
Blogger Jose, at 9:59 AM  
Jose! this is great! I love the way you took it from the side not head on.
Oh my Jose.... I just did a double take on that picture, Why????

My friend who was a Missionary in Onaxaca Mex for 25 years, brought me a earthen pot just like the one on display.

I love it. The mexican pots have so much character.

Great Photo.
Blogger Wanda, at 8:02 PM  

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