Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Scene from a street on our way to Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico. My niece got very car sick due to the awful exhaust fumes smell. We stopped here and found some medicine which helped her get pass her dizziness. That's my sister on the lower left corner.

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| posted by Jose, 8:14 AM


I love how everything is so bright on the buildings and stores all the time. But it does look super smoggy!
Oh Jose, I have been so looking forward to this trip you are taking me on....Michelle is right, look at those colors.

Blogger Wanda, at 3:38 PM  
Just the kind of stores I like to mooch around in.

The worst smog I was ever in was in Santiago, Chile.
It looks busy but a fun place!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:08 PM  

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