Easter Sunday, family picture. People images are few and far in my photo blog but I felt like posting this one of my family enjoying our Easter egg hunt.
Labels: easter, egg hunt, family, fun, sunday
| posted by Jose, 6:19 PM
Easter Sunday and if you looked to the south you'll see a cloud of smoke. A brush fire had been burning nearby for since Saturday.
Labels: avondale, brush fire, easter, sunday
| posted by Jose, 9:39 PM
Wait a minute, I think I hit the mother load. There are chololates and goodies here and I am sure I can finish them all today. LOL That was what she was thinking but then we found her.
Labels: easter, fun, kids. candy
| posted by Jose, 10:56 PM
I see many bushes with plenty of this beautiful flowers every day as I take my walk. This must be a popular bush here in Arizona.
Labels: colors, flowers, spring, summer
| posted by Jose, 10:16 AM
Wanda and Chris J had been posting flowers and I thought I would post this picture too. Spring is here and the colors abound.
Labels: colors, flowers, spring
| posted by Jose, 1:27 PM
Another shot from the inside of San Xavier Mission. This is right next to the altar.
| posted by Jose, 3:07 PM
As I take my daily two mile walk during my lunch time sometimes I take the camera with me in hopes I'll find an image worth shooting. I stood under this tree that gave me a canopy of leaves and just pointed towards the park which is at the end of the street. I like the way it came out.
Labels: phoenix, sunny, tree
| posted by Jose, 11:47 PM
Grandpa and Diego just taking a stroll downtown.
| posted by Jose, 3:31 PM
The Indians were having a Pow Wow on Saturday, vendors selling Indian fried bread were all over the place. We had such a good time.
Labels: pow wow, san xavier mission, tucson
| posted by Jose, 10:17 PM
We went to visit my daughter in Tucson again and this time we decided to go and visit the San Xavier Mission, it was a good weekend to visit as the Indians were having a pow wow. We did not go in to the pow wow itself we just toured the mission but there was plenty of activity and lots to see and do. They are refurbishing one of the towers at this time so the pictures will show a covered tower.
Labels: church, san xavier mission, tucson
| posted by Jose, 10:13 PM
I felt jelous posting that beautiful yellow Mustang GT, so now I am posting mine. It's about 16 years old but it still runs and looks good.
Labels: 93 vert, Ford, Mustang GT
| posted by Jose, 10:00 PM
If you thought it looked good going, check out how it looks as it's coming.
Labels: Ford, Mustang GT, Pony
| posted by Jose, 6:27 AM
As I took my walk the other day I saw this baby parked and I just had to capture the image. You all know by now of my love affair with the Mustang. This yellow GT with black stripes was just too cool to pass up. Tomorrow I will show you the front.
Labels: Ford, Icon, Mustang GT, Pony
| posted by Jose, 11:01 PM
I started my daily walk the other day when not even five minutes into my walk it started raining, it had been cloudy all day but the rain decided to hold until I came out. Needless to say I turned around and headed back.
Labels: exercise, lunch time, rain, walk
| posted by Jose, 6:21 PM