This little hitch hiker rode the bike with me for a few miles before he parted ways. Did not ask for permission and didn't say good bye, but all in all it was a great passenger.
Labels: cricket, fat boy, hitch hiker
| posted by Jose, 3:39 PM
This is an "Orange Crush" of a sunset. Can anyone explain how one day I get pinks and blues, another day I get greys, some days even brown, and on this particular image it's a bright orange. I guess God didn't want to give us the same sunset everyday.
Labels: god's gift to us, orange crush, sunset
| posted by Jose, 2:43 PM
I had to recycle this picture, I posted it before but I wanted to post it again now in the big picture format. This was during one of our annual Knott's Berry Farm outings. You want to get completely soaked, then go and stand on that bridge.
Labels: knott's berry farm, splash, vacation
| posted by Jose, 8:06 AM
Who would have thought that "mi chica" would put up with me for so many years. It's been 26 to be exact and so far it has been quite an exciting journey. We still have a long road ahead of us but together we will continue to face whatever challenges come our way.
Labels: Happy 26th Anniversary baby, I lov e you
| posted by Jose, 2:52 PM
You go to work and come home tired, weather mentally or physically or otherwise, you put in your time and come home and collect the reward. Sunsets must be God's way of rewarding us.
Labels: avondale, lakes, sunset
| posted by Jose, 8:02 AM
This another in a series of about seven lakes here in Avondale, this is the first lake coming into the neighborhood. I took this picture on a clear Saturday morning.
Labels: avondale, lakes, my neighborhood
| posted by Jose, 11:13 PM
Cars are a big part of our history. If you ever catch one of this neighbourhood car shows make sure to stop by. They are usually free of charge for spectators and you'll get a chance to see some old cars that perhaps will bring memories to you.
Labels: avondale, carshow, hot rods
| posted by Jose, 10:25 PM
Yesterday my sister in law hosted a Halloween party for us. It was just an excuse for us to get together and have fun watching our kids have fun. She had many games for the kids and plenty of food for all.
Labels: halloween, party, sister in law
| posted by Jose, 12:34 PM
Picture taken by:
This little angel is the oldest of my grand kids and she just happened to turn 7 years old. So here's a shout out, happy belated birthday to my little princess.
Labels: granddaughter, happy birthday, princess
| posted by Jose, 7:57 AM
I didn't have an available picture today so I am just going to post this very old shot I took before I rode to Los Angeles for the "Love Ride" back on November 2002. The picture was taken at around 6:30 a.m.
Labels: love ride, my fatboy, sunrise
| posted by Jose, 8:53 AM
The smile says it all, clowning around is a fun thing to do. This clown had a oversize sponge camera, then she asked the kids if she could take a picture but first she would get a little red sticker which she placed on their nose, then she pretended to take the picture and from behind the camera she would get a little happy face with a red nose. It was just too cute.
Labels: avondale, fire station, open house
| posted by Jose, 12:02 AM
Going to breakfast on Sunday morning we stumbled upon this local hot rod car show. I just had to stop and pretty much photograph every car on display. This is one of many images I took. Wouldn't you like to be cruising in a beauty like this?
Labels: avondale, car show, hot rods
| posted by Jose, 12:04 AM
The local fire staion had their annual open house on Saturday. We took the kids and they had a real good time. I took so many pictures it was pathetic, but at the same time it was fun. This is one of my favorite non people images for the day.
Labels: avondale, fire house, fire truck
| posted by Jose, 12:54 AM
I took this picture from the inside of my house looking out to our back yard. I think it came out pretty good.
Labels: avondale, back yard, view
| posted by Jose, 12:46 AM
Picture taken by:
This is Brianna, my second oldest granddaughter. Here she is enjoying a day at the park letting the wind blow her hair while she tries to blow some bubbles.
Labels: bubbles, granddaughter, park
| posted by Jose, 8:16 AM
Right at the entrance of St. Vincent de Paul church you will find this mosaic. It looks like a lot of work was involved in the making of this.
Labels: chrch, mosaic, St.Vincent de Paul
| posted by Jose, 12:09 AM
I'll call this picture "Sunday Morining", this is how serene everything looks right now. Last night we decided sweatshirts and sweaters are needed to go outside, and just two days ago it was still hot. Phoenix is funny that way when it comes to weather.
Labels: avondale, getting cold, weather
| posted by Jose, 11:05 AM
This is the entrance to my place of work. The front facade is full of windows and as I was waiting for my ride and everyone was gone already I was able to take this picture without having cars or people reflecting in the windows. I love the way the American Flag is flying high and proud across the street.
Labels: flag, reflection, window
| posted by Jose, 9:53 PM
No caption for this one, just enjoy a walk in the garden and a lunch at the restaurant while listening to the fountains and waterfalls.
Labels: arizona center, patio, phoenix
| posted by Jose, 7:30 AM
And the wheels of progress keep turning and nothing can stop them. When I first moved in to Phoenix back on 1990 the city was still relatively small and there were fields for farming everywhere. Well in the last 10 years developers have made sure that these fields are no more. Take a look at this picture and mark my words, in the next year or two all that wonderful green stuff you see in this picture will be gone. If you look way back in the background you will see that houses have been built so this field will have the same luck. I don't know if that's good or bad but I miss the fields, they gave us city people a feel of what the country is like.
Labels: dissapearing fields, new home developments
| posted by Jose, 7:53 AM
My brother in law is very passionate about his hobby. He has been playing baseball since he was a young kid, not that he is old but at just 40+ he now plays for the adult leagues. Every year they come to Phoenix for the NABA tournament and we have to be there to sheer him and his team on. Here he is, number 21. In this particular game he was playing the catcher position.
Labels: ball game, baseball, NABA
| posted by Jose, 7:32 AM