Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Prior to this weekend my car was in pretty sad shape. One of my new year's resolutions is to bring it back to life. Well thanks to my son in law the car went from being a yellowish white to being a bright electric white again. Now we can go to our annual Copperstate Mustang Club Pancake Breakfast and feel good about displaying it again.

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| posted by Jose, 6:15 PM


The car is beautiful!!! SO IS YOUR GRASS.. I have rocks
Yup i kept commenting on how nice it looks the whole way to the pancake breakfast!
Betty - Our gardner does a terrific job. Car is beautiful now, you should have seen it last week. It looked pretty misserable.

michelle - Thanks to your viejo. OK your joven.
Blogger Jose, at 10:09 PM  
Snazzy car, Jose. Even I can see that it is special. Glad you had a good time at the show.
Blogger ChrisJ, at 1:18 AM  

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