Another scene from Phoenix North Mountain Park. This is the park where our car club hold our annual pancake breakfast and ice cream social. | posted by Jose, 9:19 PM | 2 comments |

I posted some pics of this truck before. Diego still thinks it's Tow Matter from the movie "Cars".
Labels: old truck, tow matter, tucson
| posted by Jose, 7:23 AM | 2 comments |
My blog got a new look thanks to my daughter Nikki. It may look like either of these two samples depending on your computer's resolution. Either way I think it's killer and she outdid herself with the design. Go and check out Joe Cool's Blog if you have a chance. CLICK HERE!
Labels: joe cool's blog, new, template
| posted by Jose, 2:17 PM | 1 comments |
Me congratulating Matt Kenseth on his win at the Daytona 500 on Feb. 15, 2009. Or as close I'll ever get to meeting him. | posted by Jose, 1:51 PM | 3 comments |

This is what a park in the desert looks like. Pretty arid isn't it? | posted by Jose, 11:04 PM | 1 comments |

Bird's eye view of the parking lot at the park where we held our CMC Annual Pancake Breakfast last Sunday.
Labels: copperstate mustang club, corral, mustang
| posted by Jose, 7:32 AM | 0 comments |
A classic interior. Image captured at the 2009 CMC Pancake Breakfast event.
Labels: breakfast, cmc, pnacake, show
| posted by Jose, 6:29 AM | 2 comments |
Prior to this weekend my car was in pretty sad shape. One of my new year's resolutions is to bring it back to life. Well thanks to my son in law the car went from being a yellowish white to being a bright electric white again. Now we can go to our annual Copperstate Mustang Club Pancake Breakfast and feel good about displaying it again.
Labels: copperstate mustang club, mustang, white
| posted by Jose, 6:15 PM | 4 comments |
I have one of this in my garage just sitting there for the past 12 years. Maybe this year I'll start something with it. First I have to finish with my Mustang and my Harley.
Labels: bronco. ford, old school ride, suv
| posted by Jose, 5:34 PM | 3 comments |
I had seen this shot taken in the afternoon with the sun setting down. I settled for this one which happened to be taken on a wonderful Saturday afternoon. | posted by Jose, 6:44 AM | 2 comments |

Scene from Estrella Mountain Community College. This is one of two ponds full of beautiful fish. | posted by Jose, 10:58 PM | 1 comments |

Hummm! I didn't know plants could rust if you water them too much. | posted by Jose, 7:30 AM | 1 comments |

After Garden Lakes we drove over to Estrella Mountain Community College and walked around for a little bit. This is one of the images from there.
Labels: avondale, college, emcc
| posted by Jose, 2:08 PM | 0 comments |
This is the last image of Garden Lakes that I have. No doubt it is a beautiful neighborhood. The water front homes and a lake that accepts boats are just too beautiful.
Labels: avondale, garden lakes, lake
| posted by Jose, 6:12 AM | 1 comments |
We may drive around this area and not really pay attention, it comes with living in the neighbourhood but capturing the images through the camera lens brings up the beauty of the area. We may not put too much attention as we live there but we know how beautiful the area is.
Labels: avondale, garden lakes, lake
| posted by Jose, 6:41 AM | 1 comments |
A slightly different look of the lake from the same position.
Labels: Arizona, avondale, garden lakes
| posted by Jose, 7:04 PM | 0 comments |