Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Looks like a blast from the past.

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| posted by Jose, 8:57 PM


Whose past? I don't remember a blast like that! HaHa
Blogger Wanda, at 10:23 PM  
LOL - Talking about the bungaloes and the little town of Buckeye. It's a blast from the past. Everything around it is new now.

You got me laughing with that one Wanda.
Blogger Jose, at 6:22 AM  
I'm trying to remember just where Buckeye is. We use to travel sometimes to Parker, Arizona when my dad lived there and then when he moved to Tombstone we traveled there and I know ..I'm pretty sure we went through Buckeye or .......
Blogger sandy, at 8:47 AM  

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