Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

I may have posted this before but I am not sure, this is the house where my dad grew up in a small town in Mexico.

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| posted by Jose, 7:05 PM


An attractive but simple house. I love those roof tiles and the brickwork.
Blogger ChrisJ, at 2:09 PM  
Jose, my oldest daughter's in-laws were born in Mexico, and this looks very similar to the house her father-in-law grew up in. They came to CA just after my SIL was born.

I love the simple look, I'm sure was filled with love.
Blogger Wanda, at 4:10 PM  
Yes, the house was very simple. No electricity not even a rest room, they are stuck in the past I guess. The house is very old and made out of adobe. The newer housed in that area are made of blocks and bricks but they are still so far behind us it pretty amazing. Yet, they live very happy lives. Go figure!
Blogger Jose, at 7:35 PM  
I loveee it. I think I recognize the tree. Is it a Fig Tree (Higuera)?

Armida from Avondale AZ
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:40 AM  

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