Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

While in California my little sister took us to Don Chente, a new restaurant in Huntington Park. We had a great time and actually danced the night away.

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| posted by Jose, 12:09 AM


Today, I long to have the energy to dance the night away....

I'll bet you are a really good dancer along with all your other talents...

Blogger Wanda, at 10:07 AM  
You really have a good eye for a good photo. Now I would have looked at that sign and never seen a photo, but it is really a good one!
Blogger ChrisJ, at 5:25 PM  
Wanda - While there my sister shot a small video om mi chica and I dancing. I'll try to post it.

Chris - The place is fairly new so everything is nice, what attracted me to the sign was the neon. Neon is not used as much these days as it was used in the past.
Blogger Jose, at 10:25 PM  

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