No, it's not a gangster car, that's just what we call them. The Chrysler 300 are in fact pretty awesome cars.
Labels: 300, car, chrysler
| posted by Jose, 2:49 PM
I saved this duck from a whole he fell in and couldn't get out, since then he or she comes to visit almost daily and swims in my pool. It's the same duck everytime, we know because of a purple section in its wing.
Labels: duck, swimming pool, visitor
| posted by Jose, 12:13 AM
When I run out of imges to post I just go out and snap new one. This is what I did today.
Labels: avondale, back yard, lake
| posted by Jose, 7:11 PM
This one is almost like one I posted about three weeks ago, except on this one the reflections and ripples in the water are very much more pronounced. If you ask me I really like this one. Even though I have posted clouds recently I don't like cloud shots, however the canopy of clouds complement the bottom portion of the image and I must admit I love how the clouds reflect on the water. Matter of taste I guess.
Labels: avondale, scenery, sunset
| posted by Jose, 2:59 PM
As you know I am known to photograph buildings too. Here's a different take of a picture I posted about a week ago. I like the clear sky in the background.
"Blue skies, smiling at me, nothing but blue skies, I see".Labels: architecture, buildings, central ave, thomas ave
| posted by Jose, 7:35 AM
They look beautiful in real life but not so much in a picture.
Labels: clouds, sky
| posted by Jose, 12:40 AM
I really love to capture images of fountains. I have lost count of how many I have captured. This one is right by my house at the Gateway Crossings Shopping Center where I go get my pictures framed. I kept forgetting the camera until the other day. I really liked this one.
Labels: avondale, fountains, gateway crossings
| posted by Jose, 11:58 PM
I am not into clouds but I love taking pictures or capturing images of sunsets. The other day I was looking to capture a sunset but got this instead. This one is for you Jennifer. Once in a while I'll get a cloud I like.
Labels: clouds, jennifer
| posted by Jose, 1:20 AM
Just before I went to work the other morning I went out to turn the pool off when I noticed two families of ducks swiming in the lake. I run inside to get my camera and when I came out they were crossing each other. What a good sight to start my day.
Labels: avondale, ducks, lake
| posted by Jose, 11:40 PM
What is it about buildings that compel me to photograph them. You'll find these right on the corner of Thomas and Central in downtown Phoenix.
Labels: buildings, phoenix
| posted by Jose, 1:20 AM
Bikes as an art form. The amount of work and money thrown into some of this things takes them to another level. Rolling works of art. I really love the detail on this one.
Labels: westgate bike night
| posted by Jose, 7:18 AM
A huge fat tire, a small gas tank, a super long frame, and the silhouettes in the back. What else could I have captured in this image.
Labels: chopper, fat tire, westgate bike night
| posted by Jose, 11:26 PM
I spotted this bike and I just had to capture the images for my dear friend Wanda. She said she was ready with her leathers to take the virtual ride I will present throughout the following days.
Wanda, this is for you.
Labels: bike, pink, westage
| posted by Jose, 11:05 PM
I wanted to post this last shot from the fountain outside the Phoenix Art Museum. Starting tomorrow get your engines running it's the last day of Bike Night at Westgate and they are going out with a bang. I'll be posting lots of custom bikes and stuff like that. The art theme I've had these past few days will carry on the artwork of these bikes. You are going to like it, I can almost guarantee it.
Labels: fountain, phoenix art museum
| posted by Jose, 8:57 PM
OK, this one is kindda different. Betty Boop and Mickey Mouse, hummm! Look in the image and tell me how many hidden characters you can see. There are quite a few.
Labels: betty boop, mickey mouse, phoenix art museum
| posted by Jose, 7:19 AM