Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

If we haul it, consider it a miracle!

There were about 25 vintage trucks at our Mustang show. To say they looked impressive would be an understatement.

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| posted by Jose, 8:45 AM


Now thats a nice pineapple truck.

You have a knack for getting the perfect picture of these classics.

Blogger Wanda, at 4:08 PM  
I know Wanda and I have made you think about flowers -- but you have made me think about cars -- and trucks.
Blogger ChrisJ, at 6:28 PM  
LOL Wanda & Chris this has to be an even exchange. I see flowers now and I attempt to photograph them, and you have sent some pictures of cars and trucks my way. Did you notice in this picture the tunner vision from all the classic car's windows.
Blogger Jose, at 8:58 AM  

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