Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Picture taken by Michelle

It's been a while since I posted a picture of my backyard. So, here is one taken by my daughter Michelle.

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| posted by Jose, 7:23 AM


Hi Jose, I came here from Betty's blog. I noticed you were from West Covina. I lived in Covina as a teenager in the 60's, early
70's....just waving hi!!

I still live in So Cal, but in Inland Empire, alta loma, area...

I'll have to check out your blog later when I get time.
Blogger sandy, at 11:16 AM  
Well techinically it wasn't a picture of your backyard... it is a picture of Diego coming home from his day of Kindergarten! LOL
Hey Jose ~~~ I could sure take a dip in your pool about now... I'm a little tired tonight, and a swim would be the medicine I need.

Blogger Wanda, at 7:52 PM  
That's quite the view you have there!

...Thanks for the cool link you gave me on your side bar, I just noticed that. Cool ;)
Wow, What a neat yard! Where's that Lake? I need to get to know my neighborhoods better!
Betty - This is Crystal Gardens in Avondale, Garden Lakes right next to us is even better as you can actually have a small boat in the lakes.
Blogger Jose, at 7:49 AM  

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