Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Chris J, I think you got me hooked on doors and doorways.

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| posted by Jose, 7:01 AM


Sometimes I wish I would have been able to go with you... some of these places would be awesome to take photographs!

This is so cool.
Jose I posted my redition of the Mexican man, but I'm not happy with my results.

But it was fun trying. I'm really rusty in my painting and need to get with it and paint every day...

I hope to be more successful with the doorway and stairs.
Blogger Wanda, at 5:50 PM  
I'm glad you're hooked on doorways! They can be very interesting and who knows what's behind them? I just wish I had more time to draw all the ones I've collected so far. It must be the summer weather. I'm just not doing as much drawing lately.

I'm sure you must have seen Holman Hunt's painting of Jesus: "Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me." It's a very famous painting.

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