Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

At the end of the road you'll find Margaritaville.

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| posted by Jose, 4:01 PM


Stopped by to vote for you in Battle of the Blogs...Happy Mother's Day to your wife, take her someplace nice....Margaritaville?!

Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:53 PM  
I could do some serious damage in that place - I bet they have tons of shopping!!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:14 AM  
roxy - I'll relay the good wishes, the same to you and or the mohter's in your life. As I said before, I have yet to go to Margaritavill, it looks like a fun place though.

ec - you could definitely do some damage here. But the best part is that there are a lot a great restaurants here. The Yard House sells over 80 brands or kinds of beer. Now that sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Blogger Jose, at 12:16 AM  
Very pretty ~~ nice big sidewalks, I like that!!
Blogger Wanda, at 3:41 PM  
Wow! This reminds me so much of Universal City in Orlando. I use to live in Orlando.

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