Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

This is one of the nicest parking lot buildings I've seen in a while. It was clean, colorful and just looked nice tucked in the middle of all the buildings.

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| posted by Jose, 6:25 AM


This looks very much like the parking lot at our Doctors Hospital! I try to find a park next to the elevator...that a lot of stairs to walk down.
I have a "clergy" pass at Memorial Hosp. because I visit a lot of people there. So I can always get a park.
Nice shot.
Blogger Wanda, at 6:59 PM  
You really are a building person ! But you see the beautiful lines and geometric shapes and then add something like a palm tree. I like this.
wanda - What attracted me to this building were the colors, I thought it was really nice. If I had use a building like this often I too would look for parking near the stairs or the elevator.

chrisj - I try not to post too many people shots in this blog, pictures like that are on my other blog. I like to take pictures of inanimate objects. It's fun and you don't have to tell them "say cheeze". lol
Blogger Jose, at 11:05 PM  

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