Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Back to the valley from the snow. Boy that was fun going up to the now but I shy away from cold places like that. It's good to visit for one day but I am glad to come back to the warmth of the valley. This image is one that I get to see everyday as I take my walk. This is the last leg of my 2-mile walk and I always catch this sprinklers going as I pass by. Would you believe it's winter just based on how this grass looks? I didn't think so.

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| posted by Jose, 9:13 AM


I'm so glad I still have green grass. It's cold...but Spring is coming...:)
Blogger Wanda, at 10:46 AM  
wanda - You are right spring is coming but with it my allergies flare up like crazy. :(
Blogger Jose, at 10:19 PM  

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