Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

All the way around these houses we have a walking or running track, why I don't use it is beyond me. It must be a least half a mile long and perfect to stay in shape. If you are wondering if we can fish in the lake, the answer is yes. I personally don't fish but I see people fishing all the time. However it's a catch and release lake. I don't understand why would anybody want to fish and release their catch. What's the point in hurting the fish's mouth with the hook?

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| posted by Jose, 7:03 AM


Oh if I had your walking trail, I would be out every day rain or shine. Shame on you Jose...go get your tennis shoes on right now...I'm watching!! :)
Blogger Wanda, at 3:43 PM  
wanda - I know, i know, and I admit it. I am a little lazy but for right now I am walking during my lunch hour at work. I do a 2-mile walk. :)
Blogger Jose, at 6:10 AM  

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