Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

This is was taken on January 1st, 2008. While other parts of the country have a white Christmas, we here in the Phoenix/Avondale area are enjoying summer weather. As you can see even the ducks decided to take a New Year's swim. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

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| posted by Jose, 4:12 PM


Hey glad to see you back Jose. Yes, Arizona and Southern CA do have something in common...Nice weather in Jan.
Blessing on you dear friend. So glad we met in 2007 and look forward to lots more visits in 2008!
Wanda :)
Blogger Wanda, at 9:01 PM  
Happy New Year Jose!! Here's wishing you a very happy one full of love and fun :)
Blogger Erin, at 6:37 AM  
Wnada - I got a little hard during the holidays, I had no new pictures but I decided I'll post a picture even if I just have to step out and take one. lol

EC - Happy New Year to you too. You know those wishes are reciprocal. I will try to have as much fun as possible. I hope you do the same.
Blogger Jose, at 2:24 PM  

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