Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Very seldom do I post pictures with people but this is such a good example of how the kids were enjoying playing in the snow. Pictured are two of my grand kids.

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| posted by Jose, 6:49 AM


Jose, I see things...Bridges that look like giant TV's, and now the large shadow on the snow look like a wolf giving his call..Oooooooh.

All in all it just looks like tons of fun!
Blogger Wanda, at 6:49 PM  
Your pictures are great...but...I just can't get excited about snow anymore. Eight years in Toronto and five years in Minnesota was quite enough! But it is good for kids. They must have been excited.
Blogger ChrisJ, at 1:01 AM  
Beloved moments for children and big, In my region it has certain years where it does not throw by no means snow and...... our sorrow!!!
Very beautiful blog with clean and beautiful photographs.
Blogger kostas, at 2:32 AM  
wanda - That's because you have a vision that sees outside the box. You know, I didn't notice the shadow until you pointed it out and it does look like a wolf.

chrisj - You have to understand, we live in Phoenix where it's summer all year long lol. This is the second time we to to the snow in ten years and it's only two hours away.

kostas - We all liked it but specially the kids, once the got past the initial shock or sinking in and it being too cold. Thanks for your wonderful comment, please come back and visit.
Blogger Jose, at 5:54 AM  

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