Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

During my afternoon walks this is some of the landscaping I see. Notice the desert motif with rocks and pebbles as opposed to grass.

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| posted by Jose, 10:54 PM


Jose that's what I noticed most when I visited my friend in Tucson. No grass!!! I would have a hard time getting use to that, as I do have green lawn year round!
Nice landscaping!!
Blogger Wanda, at 3:45 PM  
how nice!! Its nice to see that, here its kinda grey now.
Blogger Mel, at 5:21 PM  
wanda - We have grass all year round too, I don't like it when the grass gets dry and yellow.

mel - The down side is that we don't really have an autumn, look at how green those trees and bushes are, I only took this picture three days ago.
Blogger Jose, at 7:21 PM  
I dunno, I kind of like the four moderate seasons we have here in Northwest Arkansas. I think I prefer the forest outside my back window.
I kindda wish we had an autumn but I can do without snow. I've only lived in places where there's never any snow and I can't stand the cold.
Blogger Jose, at 11:42 PM  

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