Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

This is the bridge leading to our first stop in Rock Park road on exit 315, an area full of snow and where all the kids got a chance to play with it for the very first time.

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| posted by Jose, 8:34 PM


Oh my goodness, Jose! I had to stop in my tracks...that looks like you are driving into a TV Screen!!!
Great photo...and what an illusion!
Blogger Wanda, at 4:28 PM  
Wanda - You know, I am getting so used to my laptop where the pictures don't look as big. I opened the page on the regular computer and I can see exactly what you mean. I just thoght it was a cool little bridge, it doesn't look big at all and yet cars past flying on top of it.
Blogger Jose, at 6:27 AM  

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