Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

It had been a while since I left the freeway for the streets so yesterday I decided to exit on 7th street and drive the streets the rest of the way home. A car left a parking spot on the street with about 30 minutes of free parking for me so I decided to walk around and take some pictures. The place was the Arizona Center and even though I only snapped some 13 pictures I could spend a good hour just looking for the many photo ops there. The next set is from there, I hope you enjoy them.

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| posted by Jose, 8:02 AM


My wife says:"So, your loyal, hard working, honest and most of all caring and loving towards all of your family." My daugher Nikki says: "My dad is the best dad in the whole world. Enough Said!" My Daughter Michelle says:"He's so funny! He's got a great sense of humor and is always making us laugh. He has a way of brightening up my day.=)" So if that's me in their eyes, who am I to argue.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:51 AM  
Jose, I would never argue have to be one "super" hubby and dad!! And my might add...great photographer...Arizona is full of wonderful pictures...Thank You!!
Blogger Wanda, at 10:48 AM  
Wanda, someone decided to comment by quoting what's on my side bar and signing as Jose. How cool is that? I won't argue on that one either.
Blogger Jose, at 11:38 AM  

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