Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!


This picture was just taken this morning. This HAPPY guy happens to be my son and after having two daughters, a seven and a six year old he is now the proud papa of a beautiful baby boy. It is very safe to say that both "mi chica" and I were also very HAPPY to be grandparents for the sixth time.

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| posted by Jose, 11:36 PM


Can there be a happier face on this planet?May I offer my congratulations to you and your family.
CONGRATULATIONS, Grandpa Jose and family!!! Wow! 6 grandkids! I want that!
Congratulaciones a ese Feliz padre y a su adorable esposa. Ya imagino a sus abuelos loquitos con el nuevo Bebe. Felicidades de nuevo.
Tu hernana Adela.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:25 AM  
What a WONDERFUL picture for today!! Congratulations to everyone. You've made my day :)
Blogger A., at 1:32 AM  
Congratulations, felicitaciones! What a wonderful choice for the theme, I bet you are all very happy!
Blogger MaR, at 2:58 AM  
What a joyful time in a family's life. You've captured happiness in this photo.
Congatulations on your new grandchild! Nothing is as happy as a parent of a newly arrived baby.
Blogger Shosh, at 5:05 AM  
What a beautiful happy photograph to honor a miraculous event. Nothing to bring the happy out like a new baby!
Blogger Carver, at 5:56 AM  
Congrats G'pa :-)
Blogger JC, at 6:11 AM  
Wow! Just this morning! That little tiny boy came in the nick of time! LOL

Blogger Andree, at 4:51 PM  
A very happy occasion indeed! :) Congratulations! :) Wonderful photo and perfect for the hunt this week. :)
hey, congratulations! this indeed is a very appropriate depiction of the theme! Happy Sunday! :)
awww congrats to your son and to you and your wife. What a gorgeous baby boy. And the perfect picture for our Happy theme.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:38 AM  
Congrats to your whole family! You can truly see just how happy and proud he is!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:46 PM  
Congrats Joe!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:11 PM  

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