Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

I shall give it a try but with 110 degree weather it's kind of hard to get fresh. Another of the many posterized windows at Westgate.

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| posted by Jose, 11:57 PM


Yeah, they really need to put that outside the window so it can really be put to good use... It's been hot and miserable here as well!
Blogger Erin, at 9:14 AM  
I love sinks that look like bowls.
110....that's hot. It cooled off here today, what a blessing!!! Tried to get on Joe Kool, but unsuccessfully! Will try again!
Blogger Wanda, at 11:34 PM  
Haha, you need to try hard, maybe it works. And i see fiver persons at the window. Who is it? You, and?
Blogger Tina, at 4:36 AM  
meant five not fiver *ups*
Blogger Tina, at 4:36 AM  

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