Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Fly them high, fly them proud... Happy 4th of July

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| posted by Jose, 12:12 AM


I like your flags for today. Nice post.

Dry heat? I remember my first summer in Tucson. I worked at Levy's and it was 1952. I worked in window display. Anyway. the first day we went across a small street to a drug store for a break. It was like walking into a furnace and the guys I was with said get coffee. It will help keep you cool. I did. When we walked out to go back across the street to Levy's it was still like a furnace. I complained. One of the guys said, "Yeah. It is hot but it is a dry heat."

Anyway. You have a very nice blog here. I got here but don't remember how.

Abraham Lincoln
the robins
the Japanese Beetles
Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:39 AM  
Yes, Jose....Fly them high and proud!

Happy 4th of July....and have a great time in Mexico.
Blogger Wanda, at 4:41 PM  

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