Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!


Picture taken by: Michelle

First of all I want to thank TNChick for picking my entry last week as the picture of the week. It took me a while but I replied to every person that commented, thank you all for your comments.

Dear grandchildren of mine
Your SWEET smile totally blows my mind
Can't imagine my life without you
You are trully a gift from God

I said it once and I'll say it again
I love to kiss your SWEET, SWEET face
'Cause with each kiss I let you know
The five of you just fill my world.

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| posted by Jose, 11:58 PM


Oooo... look at these two cuties. So sweet!
I love your interpretation of sweet. What a beautiful picture. Happy PhotoHunting!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:59 AM  
Whoa...those two grandchildren of your are sweet and cute...I love their cool. Happy Weekend :)
awww, what a sweet picture--took the words right out of my mouth!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:30 AM  
They are adorable! Sweet!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:35 AM  
awww.... that made me miss my family who are thousands of miles away... *sniff* perfect photo!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:05 PM  
Aww now that is a sweet photo!
OMG, how sweet!!! such a wondeful take on the theme!
Blogger MaR, at 1:34 PM  
they are adorably sweet! your a lucky grand parent!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:01 PM  
I was thinking about doing something like this today too! It certainly is sweet! Love it.
Oh how precious. Any one who has been entrusted with children or grandchilden are blessed above all people! What a gift, and your poem so sweet!!!
Blogger Wanda, at 2:45 PM  
Definitely a sweet photo!!! So cute!
uahhhh, this is a really cute and sweet picture. Sweet idea. Wish you a sweet and nice weekend. *lol*
Blogger Tina, at 3:54 PM  
Nothing like sweet sibling love!
It's a beautiful and sweet photo. It's a memorable moment that you can cherish forever. Thanks for sharing it with us.
That is definitely a sweet photo BUT I would have saved it for the word/theme PRECIOUS!!!!!!!

Come see my sweet entries.
Blogger Paulie, at 5:40 PM  
Sweet young things seem to be very popular this week for the theme. Love the sunglasses.
Blogger jmb, at 6:13 PM  
Oh yes, that definately is a sweet photo! Great choice for the theme this week! My photo is up, please visit when you can this week
So nice when siblings are being sweet to each other. Nice photo!
lovely sweet photo indeed! happy weekend! :)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, so sweet!
Blogger Erin, at 8:35 PM  
Okay, now that is just TOO sweet!

Great job on this theme.
Very sweet indeed! I don't have grandchildren yet, but I am looking forward to them!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:46 PM  
Now that is absolutely adorable. Too cute for words.
Awww....anytime they aren't fighting, it's sweet!
Blogger Karen, at 4:19 AM  
That is such a sweet and dear photo.
Blogger letha, at 5:56 AM  
Like my two little ones, they are sweet to each other. Except when they are fighting, lol! Love your photo.

Hope you had a sweet weekend!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:28 AM  
Too cute! They are adorable.
Blogger Andree, at 9:03 AM  
Awwww...that is sooo cute and definitely sweet!

Happy Weekend!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:05 AM  
What a sweet picture! I wish my girls looked like that - they tend to prefer fighting with each other to hugging!
That is very sweet, and so is the poem!
We are having Dry Heat here, too. Way too dry. Not supposed to be that way!

Happy weekend!
Now that is a Sweet photo!!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:56 PM  
Now that really is a sweet photo! But bet you that 5 minutes later they were fighting (again)!

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