Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Most of the pictures I take happen while I'm driving, for this particular picture I was actually able to park the car since it's a one way street and traffic was light even though it was almost 5:00 p.m. This reminds me of the movie "Batteries Not Included", remember how they built the big tall building without demolishing the apartment house. Look at how they have all those new buildings surrounding this house. I just think it's way cool it survived the long arms of progress.
| posted by Jose, 10:27 PM


Jose: I feel like I've been gone longer than a week! Thanks for stopping by...enjoy your comments.

I love this house....I could live in a place like. Hmmm. A parsonage???
Blogger Wanda, at 6:47 PM  
Is that on the front just for decoration or does it have a purpose?

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