Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

I call this the table of broken promises. At the beginning of the year 98% of the smokers at work vowed to quit smoking. That only lasted about a week at best as one by one they all started gathering around the table again. Why do they gather there? Because that's the only place where it's allowed to smoke while at work.
| posted by Jose, 12:00 AM


What's in that can? I thought it was a rat.
Blogger Lynda, at 9:32 PM  
What's in that can? I thought it was a rat.

Cigarrete butts.
Blogger Jose, at 9:46 PM  
LOL. Next to the cigarette butts. There is a big brown...cloth?
Blogger Lynda, at 12:50 PM  
Oh, I got it! A rock so the can doesn't blow away.
Blogger Lynda, at 12:51 PM  
Lynda - LOL. Next to the cigarette butts. There is a big brown...cloth?

LOL. I was going to correct you and then you corrected yourself.
Blogger Jose, at 2:25 PM  

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