Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

At Wesley Bolin Plaza in Phoenix you find many memorials. This one says it all, "Freedom Is Not Free".
| posted by Jose, 9:58 PM


What is it a memorial to?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:17 AM  
Downtown Phoenix is home to this tribute to lost veterans of several wars including World Wars, Korean Conflict, Vietnam and the more recent Desert Storm. Encompassing two square blocks, adjacent to the State Capitol Museum, this park features monuments to those lost; the anchor from the USS Arizona, lost at Pearl Harbor and statues of Arizona contributors such as Franklin D. Roosevelt for his work with the Civilian Conservation Corps. Frequently utilized for festivals including Fabulous Phoenix 4th, this no-fee park is also a hot-spot for political gatherings.
Blogger Jose, at 7:29 AM  
I did not know there were memorials in downtown Phoenix. I would like to go downtown and look around. I'll torture Raul and make him go with.
My husband and I were in Phoenix several years ago. I wish we had seen this park.
Blogger Lynda, at 6:47 AM  

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