Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Again, this is the same shopping center, notice the brick walkway from the previous picture. I like this shot because of the series of decorative portals. This is far from being a mall but ever since it was built right after the year 2000 this place is always packed. It houses some major stores and some 20 great restaurants.
| posted by Jose, 8:28 PM


That is a real pretty mall. We have nothing like that here.
Where is that?

Phoenix Blog.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:23 PM  
Yeah I love to walk around there!
biker betty - It's very new so it's still pretty, we hope this area will stay pretty for many years to come because we are too close to many new facilities including the Cardinals Stadium.

phoenix blogger -
michelle - This is in the Gateway Pavilions in Avondale on 107th Ave. and McDowell. This particular wall is in the Mor/Circuit City/Borders area.
Blogger Jose, at 2:21 PM  

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