Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

One of the best features in my mom's house backyard is her orange tree. Sweet juicy oranges that make the best home made orange juice.
| posted by Jose, 7:44 AM


LIES!!! All Lies!!!

They're not oranges silly! They're GRAPEFRUITS!

But thats why I love you.
My son would think he was in heaven!
Blogger Erin, at 6:50 AM  
Thank you Nikki! That's what I thought it was.

I wonder how your dad gets "the best home made orange juice" out of this tree?

Hmmmm, ji,ji,ji
Blogger Chely, at 8:40 PM  
No te preocupes mi amor. tu haces el mejor jugo de toronja con sabor a naranja.

Quien puede hacer eso? solo tu, yo te apoyo.
Blogger Elena, at 11:35 PM  
That's too funny! Everyone's comments... LOL

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