My comment was as follows:
Jose said..."I'll be praying for you and your son. He's quite the little hero".10/12/2006 7:19 PM
Her reply to me was:
CP said..."Jose - Oy, you don't know the half of it. Today, he had to give a urine sample. He couldn't do the clean catch sample on his own (he's only 10) and he wouldn't hear of the nurse helping him, nor his stepdaddy. So, I got the job. I faced away from him, held the cup for him over the bowl while he did the iodine wipe and then...he proceeded to pee all over my hand...ON PURPOSE! He thought it was the funniest thing ever. He said "whoops! bad aim! i missed!". He's a little shit...and the love of my life".
If you are wondering what this is all about read the post entitled "Here We Go Again" and then show her your support. You'll feel good if you do.
| posted by Jose, 10:38 AM
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