Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

What once was is now nothing but a skeleton of a building. Come on anyone flip this building!
| posted by Jose, 7:15 AM


What do you mean, "Flip this building"?
Blogger Chely, at 11:07 PM  
I agree with Chelster:????????

But eighther way, just let me & your sis take a go at it & I'm sure we will work wonders.
Tia there is a show on TLC called "Flip That House", where people buy a house and completely renovate it and sell it again. (Which is known as House Flipping). It is very interesting. You get to see the house in which they will flip.

You learn what the owner paid for the house and their plans for giving it the necessary "facelift" to re-sell with a profit. They show the actual step-by-step renovation and cosmetic work and the revealing before/after transformation. At the end of each episode, the results of the house-flipping exercise are revealed, along with a new sales price for the "flipped" property.

If you get a chance, watch it, it's kinda cool.

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