Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

"Blue Oval" and "Bar & Shield" - If I have to explain you wouldn't understand.
| posted by Jose, 12:50 AM


yeah I guess I don't get it...
Yeah can you explain?? haha your own daughters huh..?
It's part of the Harley mystique, here's a queote:

It doesn't matter if you wear black, a patch or just ride and own a Harley for the sheer enjoyment of such a fine machine because Society is never going to forget the association of the Harley as belonging to those that ride them just like the legend paved the way in 1947........tell someone that cares! A Harley is a Harley and a biker is a biker......if I had to explain, you wouldn't understand.

So today not only am I using the phrase for the Harley but for Ford as well.

The "blue oval" is the Ford Logo
The "bar and shield" is the Harley logo.

Now do you understand?
Blogger Jose, at 11:43 AM  
Yes Dad, thank you. All makes perfect sense now.
Oooh okay!

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