Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

Just because you are a dry leaf I don't forget you were once like this fresh flower.
To pick a flower is so much more satisfying
than just observing it, or photographing it ...
So in later years, I have grown in my garden
as many flowers as possible for children to pick.
- Anne Scott-James
| posted by Jose, 12:28 AM


Your blog is great. I love your pics! Keep it up, you have got something awesome going on here!
Blogger K, at 12:41 AM  
I agree daddy, and then with your cute little're doing good!
I absolutely love this picture! I love to see that my baby enjoys nature so much... and those little hands are adorable too!
Kel thanks for the comments, I hope you keep coming back.
Blogger Jose, at 12:56 PM  

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