Arizona - But It's a Dry Heat!

No matter how thick, the light will always shine through.
| posted by Jose, 12:09 AM


Thats a good picture...was it and Mad and Lenny's house or your other friends?
Truth be told, I believe this is Michelle's shot.
Blogger Jose, at 11:21 AM  
Ok, Ok so here I am FINALLY giving in to looking at your BLOGS. So now I guess I have to comment? Is that how it goes? I'm so far behind with internet "Lingo" or blogs or myspace or anything else,that I feel lost in cyberspace (but at least I'm the captain of the lost ship) whatever happened to "you've got mail"? Don't get me wrong bloggers,I wouldn't want to upset anyone, next thing you know, someone will start rumors of me on the net or ever worst, PICTURES!!!!!!!ahhhh
So enough about me, I'm supposed to comment(stay focused,Kika)
Ah, yes, here we go...I wanted to comment on your picture and what you wrote. They say "if the shoe fits", well, for me this picure and saying fits very well. It kinda describes the way I feel sometimes,peeking through the clouds.
The end
Kika aka Angelica Paiz
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:55 PM  

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